Overview of the webinar

Businesses today are striving to generate greater productivity, quality, customer satisfaction and profitability with fewer employees. And Employee Engagement is a proven method for doing just that. 

Engaged employees:

  • Expend discretionary effort doing more than they are asked
  • Are motivated toward the organization’s success
  • Work the hardest, stay the longest and perform to their capabilities

Employee Engagement has been well researched in studies by Gallup, Towers Watson, Hay Group, DDI, The Conference Board, World at Work, Blessing White & Aon Hewitt

The research has shown that engaged employees generate:

  • higher profitability
  • enhanced customer satisfaction
  • increased productivity
  • less absenteeism
  • less turnover
  • fewer accidents

One study found that companies with the highest levels of Employee Engagement have a significantly greater increase in stock price.

When leadership teams become aware of these economic benefits of engaged employees, they usually want to take advantage of the opportunity and avoid ‘leaving money on the table’ 

Area Covered In The Webinar

Employee Compliance is Not Engagement

  • Compliance is short term, forced adherence because there are penalties for noncompliance 
  • Engagement is sustained, enthusiastic & willing performance
  • Why just telling employees what you want them to do is not enough?

What is Employee Engagement?

  • Characteristics of Engaged Employees
  • Three Levels of Engagement
  • Strategy + Employee Engagement = Strategy Execution

The Business Case for Increasing Employee Engagement

  • Highlights of the Research Studies some involving  Multiple-Industries, over 20 years, with large Samples of Front Line Employees and Managers
  • Why Engagement is Worth the Effort 

Companies Utilizing Employee Engagement  

  • Numerous Brand Name Organizations have Found that their Facilities with High Engagement have Lower Turnover, Fewer Accidents as well as Higher Productivity and Profitability

The Significance of Your Role as a Manager

  • The responses to Engagement Questions are Based More on Employees' Opinions of Their Immediate Manager – Than the Policies of the Company
  • Managers can Impact an Employee's Discretionary Effort by 20% or More
  • Why great Managers are Catalysts

How Great Managers Release Their Employees’ Potential:

  • Utilizing Manager - Employee Touch Points
  • The Employee Performance Needs Most Correlated with Positive Business Outcomes
  • Numerous Practical Ways for Managers to Meet Each of  The Employee Performance Needs Most Correlated with Positive Business Outcomes
  • The Secondary Set of Core Employee Engagement Needs

What About Pay? 

Who Will Benefit?

HR Professionals New to the Field - seeking a comprehensive view of the subject with multiple initiatives

Experienced HR Professionals - seeking a refresher

Leaders & Managers - interested in understanding the benefits to the organization of increasing Employee Engagement

About the speaker

Pete Tosh

Years of Experience: 35+ years

Pete Tosh is Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four core disciplines: • Implementing Strategic HR Initiatives • Maximizing Leadership Effective