Course "Employment Law in a Nutshell – Guidance for your Business" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.

What you'll learn?

  • To identify and implement strategies that provide organizational defense against challenges from the EEOC or an employee’s lawyer.
  • To recall practical application of useful standards from fresh and new examples rather than stale hypos.
  • To study examples of how employers create expensive liability when they ignore the advice in this webinar.
  • To analyze how to avoid making common errors when reviewing an applicant's social media profiles.
  • To recognize methods to address more complex issues involving employees that can result in governmental investigations if HR screw-up.
  • To identify what are the biggest risks that the employers are taking in 2022 that will get them sued.
  • To identify the biggest mistakes businesses are making when they fire employees in a post-COVID world.
  • To explore some of the simple things you can do IMMEDIATELY to reduce your chances of EEOC charges of discrimination and employment law litigation

Overview of the webinar

Commercial law or business law is the body of law that governs business and commerce and is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals both with issues of private law and public law. Commercial law regulates corporate contracts, hiring practices, and the manufacture and sale of consumer goods. Though this is woven into modern-day life, employment law remains ignored or neglected.

These neglected parts of the employment law may bring businesses and corporates a lot of trouble. It may be regarding the credibility of the business affecting the operations as well as business volume. This webinar series deals with employment law in great detail considering modern-day highlighted cases. This webinar series can be your employment law guide to maintain the smooth functioning of your business.

When starting the recruiting process, it is important to be aware of certain legal issues to minimize risk. Job postings, interview questions, checking references, and making job offer all need to be done in a way that meets legal requirements. Most business owners and HR professionals do not have legal counsel to review recruiting ads and actions can expose your employer to a costly lawsuit. 

In this online course speaker, David Miklas, helps you learn from experienced and inexperienced real-life decisions. This webinar is aimed to provide specific insights for accounting and human resource professionals to assist in the business. It takes particular cases on employee requests for accommodations, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, etc.

Area Covered In The Webinar

  • Important issues to be aware of at the time of hiring
  • Key areas where an employment lawyer can add value to your business
  • How to maximize the benefit of services from employment lawyers
  • Key cases discussed that have made headlines to add value to your business practice
  • 15 things that you should run by your employment lawyer
  • How duty to accommodate is different under Title VII and the ADA – mental disabilities and pregnancy, etc. 
  • What are the most significant risks employers are taking in 2022 that will get them sued?
  • The biggest mistakes businesses are making when they fire employees in a post-COVID world.
  • Simple things you can do IMMEDIATELY to reduce your chances of EEOC charges of discrimination and employment law litigation.
  • Exploring the EEOC’s perspective on investigating claims of religious discrimination
  • How HR should handle employee requests and complaints to avoid charges of discrimination & lawsuits
  • Real-world issues that businesses and professionals are likely to encounter

Who Will Benefit?

  • HR Professionals
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Business Owner 
  • CEO 
  • Certified Management Accountant 
  • Compliance Officers, and Other Executives managing employment-related matters within their organization.

About the speaker

David Miklas

Years of Experience: 20+ years

Mr. Miklas provides regular training to management and lower-level employees on such topics as discrimination, harassment, retaliation, FMLA, ADA, ADEA, FLSA, and Unemployment Compensation. In addition to defending labor & employment lawsuits, Mr.