Course "Effective Methods to Turn Around Struggling Employees" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.

What you'll learn?

  • Determining whether an employee can be salvaged
  • Way to set attainable goals & expectations so employees always know where they stand
  • Essential guidelines for documenting performance problems
  • How to negotiate and enforce improvement goals you need
  • Method for changing ones attitude towards positivity

Overview of the webinar

As a manager, you can’t accept employees who are not performing well enough. It’s frustrating, time-consuming, and it can demoralize the other people on your team. You only get two choices for dealing with a struggling employee: Help them improve or let them go. So how do you help turn around the problematic behavior of an employee? And how long do you let it go on before you cut your losses? Actually, many struggling employees actually do have the talent and desire to do well in their job, all that depends on is your responsive intervention and skilled & effective coaching. By learning the right way to approach training, supervision, and accountability, you'll discover how to increase motivation, and develop mutual respect.

Why should you attend?

In this webinar, you’ll learn methods for motivating employees to back on solid ground. Gain powerful insights to help you help struggling employees set aggressive but attainable goals, accept accountability, and boost performance and how to spare your organization from the cost of replacing employees unnecessarily and create a turnaround plan to encourage employees to perform their best & more.

Who Will Benefit?

  • CEO’s
  • Presidents
  • Vice Presidents
  • Directors
  • Managers/Supervisors
  • Compliance professionals
  • HR professionals

About the speaker

U. Harold Levy

Years of Experience: 25+ years

U. Harold Levy is a national and international speaker, trainer, consultant and recognized expert on civil right issues, human resources, leadership and management. Mr. Levy has over 30 years of experience in the profession, most recently as the Eas