Overview of the webinar

Our world and workplace may be entering a post-COVID work phase, but traumatic if not crisis events continue to make their heart-aching presence – whether a beloved colleague’s debilitating stroke, an unexpected late-stage cancer diagnosis, a colleague’s suicide or a “going postal” situation.  Of course, other forms of loss – from downsizing to quiet quitting and disconnect with remote employees.  This program will help all levels of employees understand the importance of and engage with grief work and recognize the dangers and “growth opportunities” in separation and loss, trauma and crisis.  There’s a new mission critical!  (Sending one person to EAP may not address group stress, conflict, and grief... along with the need for community growth.)  All may need to face the pain of a hazardous present along with embracing past emotional echoes to recognize and defuse personal crisis and trauma triggers.  The psycho-ecological payoff:  building inner strength, trust, and creative-collaborative bonds!

Area Covered In The Webinar

A. Organizations and teams can create safe sharing spaces to:

  • acknowledge a need for problem-solving support and/or resources
  • develop new stress resilience skills
  • evolve more open and transparent, “Helmet’s Off” communication
  • resolve conflict and collaborate more effectively and efficiently with others

B. With the right healing, mindful, and interactive tools and strategies, individuals and groups can begin to work with crisis and past trauma to:

  • clean out old wounds
  • let go of shameful and/or rageful feelings
  • engage learning/performance anxieties
  • change self-defeating “survival” habits and generate a “growth mindset.”

In summary, old fears can be mastered, uncertainties can be addressed, new meaning, purpose, and direction planned by:

  • actively confronting challenges in the present,
  • defusing and reframing energy- and confidence-draining memories and emotions from the past,
  • facilitating individual healing/learning paths, and
  • developing diverse problem-solving matrix that generate real world/in time solutions.

This remote or onsite program will enable participants to grapple with loss, change and letting go.

  • You will build a burnout prevention and “Psychological Hardiness” mindset and skillset.
  • Attendees will develop “Natural SPEED” and generate collaborative, team/consensus-building strategies and structures.
  • And, along with hard work there’s also play:  learning to use healing humor to forge camaraderie and turn trauma into trial and triumph.

Transforming Grief Work and Crisis will set individuals, teams, and organizations as a whole on the path of recovery and resilience, on a journey of Post-Traumatic Growth!

Why should you attend?

What is an organization or company to do?  One key is helping employees, supervisors, and managers understand and grieve the bio-psycho-social complexities of critical incident pain and stress.   Another vital factor is recognizing the “dangers” and harnessing the learning and performance “growth opportunities” in separation and loss, trauma and crisis.  Trauma and transition states often compel an honest individual and/or team self-inventory of strengths and vulnerabilities; a willingness to think and act anew may quickly emerge.  Individual and group/team grief and growth work is healing and revitalizing; with proper guidance, this turning point can spur strategic sharing and enhanced cohesion and cooperation. There’s a new mission critical!  (Sending one person to EAP may not address group stress, conflict, and grief... along with the need for community growth.)  All may need to face the pain of a hazardous present along with embracing past emotional echoes to recognize and defuse personal crisis and trauma triggers.  The psycho-ecological payoff:  building inner strength, trust, and creative-collaborative bonds!

Who Will Benefit?

All personnel levels – from front-line employees to all levels of management will gain skills, tools, and strategies for: 1) identifying stress and burnout warning signs and 2) positively developing stress and conflict, grief and change resilience skills in both themselves and in colleagues, team members, and those they supervise/manage.  Clearly, individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole benefit when a work culture is more stress resilient and focused, open healing, collaboration, and FUN!

About the speaker

Mr. Mark Gorkin

Years of Experience: 25+ years

Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, popular webinar educator, writer, and "Motivational Psychohumorist" ™. Mark is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Dia