Overview of the webinar

Addressing generational differences starts with examining the unconscious biases we may bring to our work conversations and interactions. We will then explore the key events each generation experienced and how that has colored their worldview. Lastly, we’ll discuss approaches that help bridge the divide and get the generations to collaborate more effectively.

Topics covered include:

  • How do our thinking and unconscious biases about other generations influence our behavior toward them
  • The importance of being transparent and surfacing our assumptions for examination
  • A framework for recognizing and appreciating those differences

Area Covered In The Webinar

  • How our unconscious biases cause us to "see what we want to see"
  • Google’s research into diversity in teams and what makes for effective teams
  • Practices that get us past our surface stories about others and take us to common interest

Why should you attend?

We work in times where rapid change is the norm. This means that our younger workforce is coming of age earlier. As a result, without some conscious rising for all generations, each generation is feeling crowded out by the other! Tensions arise and productivity declines when it could instead soar!

This workshop is designed for exploring what it means to have 3-4 generations working alongside each other in flatter organizations where concepts like "tenure" and "company loyalty" are being reexamined. We will also look at time-tested practices that take us from focusing on differences as vehicles for blaming and instead, see differences as strengths to be leveraged.

Who Will Benefit?

  • All Levels

About the speaker

Rich McLaughlin

Years of Experience: 25+ years

Rich spent time learning about instructional design and change management at Accenture, helped Square D Company develop and implement their TQM programs and processes and developed the leadership curriculum and internal consulting practice at Baxter