Overview of the webinar

Workplace drama sucks the productivity of teams and organizations. It also creates an inhospitable environment where healthy people don't want to work ... so they leave. Good, productive people leave the organization. In fact, the best people, the highest performers, the self-directed, the most creative, those that need little oversight, are most likely to leave. Why?

So much time and effort are required to navigate through all the drama. High performers just want to get the job done, but drama is a barrier. Managers and leaders spend way too much time trying to tamp it down, or worse, let it continue to happen, but find workarounds.

Area Covered In The Webinar

  • Leaders who want to create a Drama Free Workplace - enjoy more productivity, creativity, and collaboration from your team
  • Anyone who has ever felt exhausted and overwhelmed by being immersed in a drama-filled environment and wants a more
  • Peaceful, calm, collegial, and productive workplace
  • Anyone who feels attacked, put down or diminished by a co-worker
  • Anyone faced with personality conflicts that leave you feeling frustrated and discouraged

Who Will Benefit?

  • A 5-step process to eliminate unproductive drama from your world
  • Strategies to redirect drama
  • Specific skills to address aggression, passivity, and passive-aggressive words or actions
  • A model to recognize the 3 roles people play to create drama and how to deal with each of those roles
  • How to recognize even the most subtle forms of drama and how to nip them before they escalate
  • How to elegantly declined invitations to participate in drama

About the speaker

Michael Healey

Years of Experience: 30+ years

Since 1987 Michael has been consulting with businesses and organizations that understand the value of developing organizational culture and their people as a foundation for continual improvement, staff recruitment/retention, and enhancing organizati